Company Policies

Company Policies

Child Protection


1. Introduction

I. FOOTBALL COACHING UK is a for-profit organisation run for the following purpose: To provide Football Coaching to Children Aged 4 and above

II. Football Coaching UK is based at:

24 Harvest Fields Way,

Sutton Coldfield


III. Football Coaching UK has adopted this safeguarding and child protection policy and expects every adult working or helping at Football Coaching UK to support it and comply with it. Consequently this policy shall apply to all staff, managers, trustees, directors, volunteers, students or anyone working on behalf of Football Coaching UK.

2. Purpose of the Policy

I. This policy is intended to protect children and young people who receive any service from us, including those who are the children of adults who may receive services from us.

II. Football Coaching UK believes that no child or young person should experience abuse or harm and are committed to the protection of children and young people and this policy is intended to provide guidance and overarching principles to those who represent us as volunteers or staff, to guide our approach to child protection and safeguarding.

3. The Risks to Children

Nearly every child grows up in a safe and happy environment and it is important not to exaggerate or overestimate the dangers. Nevertheless, there are situations where children need protection including but not limited to:

- Sexual abuse;

- Grooming;

- Physical and emotional abuse and neglect;

- Domestic violence;

- Inappropriate supervision by staff or volunteers;

- Bullying, cyber bullying, acts of violence and aggression within our schools and campuses;

- Victimisation;

- Self-harm;

- Unsafe environments and activities;

- Crime; and - Exploitation.

4. Universality of Protection

Football Coaching UK recognises that:

- the welfare of the child is paramount;

- all children regardless of race, gender, religious belief, disability, age, sexual orientation or identity have a right to equal protection from harm;

- some children are more vulnerable to harm as a result of their circumstances, prior experiences, communication needs or level of dependency; and

- working with children, young people, their parents and/or guardians, carers or other agencies is essential to protecting their well being.

5. Safeguarding Children at Events/Activities

I. There are three kinds of events/activities:

(A). those open to adults and children of all ages;

(B). those for children accompanied by a 'parent'; and

(C). those for unaccompanied children, which are sometimes run alongside other events/activities.

II. At events and activities open to all ages, children under 16 must be accompanied throughout by an adult over the age of 18 who not only brings the child but also takes the child home again afterwards. Young people aged 16 or 17 may attend unaccompanied if they bring the written consent and mobile telephone number of one of their parents.

III. At events and activities for children accompanied by a 'parent', children under 16 must be supervised throughout the event by an adult over the age of 18 who not only brings the child to the event but also takes the child home again afterwards. If a lone adult brings more than one child, then the children will have to stay together, so that the one adult can supervise them. Young people aged 16 or 17 may attend unaccompanied if they bring the written consent and mobile telephone number of one of their parents.

IV. At events and activities for unaccompanied children, children under the age of 16 must be enrolled by a responsible adult before being left with the event leader. The enrollment must record the child's name, age and address and the names and addresses of the child's parents, plus the parents' mobile telephone numbers. Young people aged 16 or 17 may attend unaccompanied if they bring the written consent and mobile telephone number of one of their parents.

V. Both events and activities are to be defined broadly to include any occasions where Football Coaching UK will be providing a service.

6. Disclosure and Barring

I. Football Coaching UK offers the following activities for children: Football Coaching Sessions

II. Some of our activities may therefore require adult participants or adult leaders to undergo DBS and/or police checks under the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006. The required level of checking (if any) will broadly reflect the degree and frequency of unsupervised access given to other people's children.

III. Football Coaching UK will take very seriously any allegation of impropriety on the part of any member of the Football Coaching UK. A member of the Organisation who discovers anything amiss should get in touch immediately with the following member of staff: STUART DENNEHY

IV. Allegations will be appropriately reviewed and the likely risk to children and, if appropriate, will consider banning the member from future events or revoking his or her membership or both, but only in full accordance with the rules and procedures of Football Coaching UK.

V. Companies Designated Welfare Officer and Safeguarding Lead: STUART DENNEHY

7. Health and Safety Aspects of Safeguarding Children

I. Before starting any event for unaccompanied children, the Team will carry out a risk assessment and then take steps to minimise all risks to health and safety. Parents and children will be made aware of any particular risks and of the steps to be taken to minimise those risks. The Team will keep a record of all risk assessments.

II. Sufficient adults must be present at any event for unaccompanied children to enable one adult to deal with any emergency while another adult supervises the children not directly affected by the emergency.

8. Prevention of Bullying

We will not tolerate the bullying of children either by adults or by other children. If any incident of child-on-child bullying should arise at a Football Coaching UK event, those involved will be separated immediately and the parents of the children involved will be asked to deal with the matter. The Team will review all incidents of child-on-child bullying and assess the likely future risk to children. If appropriate, the Team will consider banning a child from future events, but only in full accordance with the rules and procedures of the Organisation. Allegations of adults bullying children will be dealt with in accordance with this Policy.

9. Photographing Children

No photos will be taken or published of any child attending an event or activity unless prior written permission is sought from a person with parental responsibility. If any person has any concerns regarding any person taking photos at an event or activity, that person should contact Football Coaching UK immediately.

10. Managing Behaviour, Discipline and Acceptable Restraint

I. Adults supervising children at Football Coaching UK events must never use any form of corporal punishment. If physical restraint is absolutely necessary to prevent injury to any person or to prevent serious damage to property, then the minimum necessary restraint may be used — but for that purpose only.

II. Unacceptable behavior at Football Coaching UK events for unaccompanied children will generally be stopped by separating the children from each other and from the group. Children will be suitably supervised and will be returned as soon as possible to the care of their parents.

III. Football Coaching UK may apply a further disciplinary sanction; namely the banning of the child from one or more future events over the following 18 months. Any such sanction would be determined and applied by the following staff member: STUART DENNEHY. IV. A parent who is aggrieved by this ban may appeal to Football Coaching UK who will hear the views of all relevant persons. The decision of the Organisation is then final. Any such appeals should be made to, and will be determined by the following staff member: STUART DENNEHY.

11. Legal Framework

This policy has been drawn up in accordance with all relevant and applicable legislation and guidance available to Football Coaching UK in the United Kingdom. Chiefly, this policy operates in accordance with the: - Children Act 1989 - United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child - Children Act 2004 - General Data Protection Regulation - Data Protection Act 2018 This Policy is approved and robustly endorsed by FOOTBALL COACHING UK and is due for review every 12 Months.


Date Renewed: 1st January 2024

Terms and Conditions


1. Acceptance of Terms

By accessing or using the services provided by Football Coaching UK, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, you may not use our services.  

2. Services  

Football Coaching UK offers football coaching services, including but not limited to individual training, group sessions, and clinics. The nature, duration, and specifics of the services will be outlined in the corresponding agreement or communication.  

3. Registration and Payments  

a. To enroll in our coaching programs, participants must complete the registration process and provide accurate and up-to-date information.  

b. Payment details, including fees and schedules, will be communicated during the registration process. Payment is due in full prior to the commencement of the coaching sessions.  

c. In the event of wishing to cancel your child's place on one of our coaching courses a full months notice is required during which time payment will be required.

4. Cancellations and Refunds  

a. Football Coaching UK reserves the right to cancel or reschedule sessions due to unforeseen circumstances, and participants will be informed promptly.  

b. We operate a strictly no refund policy unless otherwise stated.

c. Participants may request a rescheduling of sessions and this will be accommodated whenever possible.

d. In the event of repeated late payment we reserve the right to charge a late payment fee of £25 per instance.

5. Code of Conduct  

a. Participants and Parents/Guardians are expected to adhere to a high standard of sportsmanship and respect towards coaches, fellow participants, and facility staff.  

b. Any disruptive or inappropriate behavior may result in the immediate termination of services, without refund.  

6. Liability and Waiver  

a. Participants and their legal guardians acknowledge that football is a physically demanding sport, and there is a risk of injury.  

b. Football Coaching UK and its coaches will not be held responsible for any injuries or loss sustained during or as a result of participation in our coaching programs.  

7. Communication  

a. Football Coaching UK will communicate important information, updates, and changes via email or other designated communication channels.  

b. Participants/their legal guardians are responsible for regularly checking their provided contact information for updates and announcements.  

8. Intellectual Property  

a. All intellectual property, including coaching materials and methodologies, remains the property of Football Coaching UK. Unauthorized use or distribution is prohibited.  

9. Privacy  

a. Football Coaching UK will collect and process personal information in accordance with UK data protection laws. Participants' information will be used solely for the purpose of providing coaching services.  

10. Governing Law  

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of The United Kingdom. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in The United Kingdom.   By using the services of Football Coaching UK, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms and Conditions. Football Coaching UK reserves the right to update or modify these terms at any time, with notice provided to participants.  

Football Coaching UK

24 Harvest Fields Way,

Sutton Coldfield


0121 221 2261

Signed: Stuart Dennehy(COURSE CO-ORDINATOR)

Date Renewed: 1st January 2024

Contact Us

+44 121 221 2261

24 Harvest Fields Way